Turning my website into a progressive web app is very straight forward since I built my website with Gatsby, I only have to install two Gatsby plugin with minor modification.

  1. Install Gatsby offline plugin
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-offline


  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
      options: {
  1. Create a web manifest file using gatsby-plugin-manifest

to install plugin

npm i gatsby-plugin-manifest

configure gatsby-config.js

      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
      options: {
        name: `GatsbyJS`,
        short_name: `GatsbyJS`,
        start_url: `/`,
        background_color: `#f7f0eb`,
        theme_color: `#a2466c`,
        display: `standalone`,
        icon: `src/images/kennethau.png`, // This path is relative to the root of the site.

Referring to the screen cap below, using Google lighthouse audit, the score has jump from 31 to 69 by installing and configuring 2 Gatsby plugin.

Note: In order to measure the PWA score properly and PWA to work properly in Chrome, make sure you head to Chomre -> Inspect -> Application -> Clear Storage where you can clear out the cached values and “unregister” service workers.

About Me

I am a self-taught developer who is passionate about software development, entrepreneurship and finance. I love to write about my daily life at work and outside work.

You can find more about me on  Kenneth Au LinkedIn